If you need medical help during your stay in Grundarfjörður, we recommend having a look at the website of the Health Services of West Iceland - https://www.hve.is/english/
Heilsugæslan, the Health Care Center in Grundarfjörður is open from Monday to Friday between 8:00 and 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:00.
Address: Hrannarstígur 7, 350 Grundarfjörður
Phone 00354 - 432 1350
After opening hours, medical assistance and services are available by phoning 1700. If you’re calling from a foreign number, dial 00354 - 544 4113.
In case of an accident or emergency, please call 112.
Further information is available on https://www.hve.is/english/
Lyfja Pharmacy is open from Monday to Friday between 13:00 and 18:00
Address: Grundargata 38, 350 Grundarfjörður
Phone: 00354 438 6745
Website: https://www.lyfja.is/um-lyfju/opnunartimar/grundarfjordur
Dental Health
The closest dentist is located in Ólafsvík - Ari Bjarnason
Address: Engihlíð 28, 355 Ólafsvík
Phone: 00354 – 436 1010
Further information is available on https://www.hve.is/upplysingar/tannlaeknathjonusta-a-starfsstaedi-hve/
There is one district hospital in West Iceland, located in Akranes, open 24 hours.
Address: Merkigerði 9, 300 Akranes
Phone: 00354 - 432 1000
Further information is available on https://www.hve.is/english/